Faith & Drug Counseling – The Spiritual Connection – New Creation College

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Drug abuse counselors stand in a unique position.  They are healers and they are also in many ways confidantes who are there to listen, offer support, and extend a hand when needed.  Drug counselors come from all different experiences and walks of life and as such, their approaches often vary from one to the next.  Yet, there is not necessarily one right way to practice drug abuse counseling.  Some may rely on their own past.  Having dealt with drug problems or substance abuse issues, these drug addiction counselors may pull from this.  Learning from their experiences, they have grown, overcome and can consequently show others how to do the same.

Other drug counselors may take a more clinical stance.  Trained in their respective degree program, these drug abuse counselors while certainly compassionate, may prefer a more “by the book” approach to treating people and depend upon researched practices and techniques to help those suffering from substance abuse.  

Is there a place for faith and religion in drug abuse counseling?

And then there are others who take a more faith-based approach.  These drug abuse counselors want to inspire those suffering from addiction with the power of spirituality and spiritual healing.  If you think about it, the process of recovery is most definitely a very daunting one.  Changing your life, finding a new path and in some instances, starting all over again, is intimidating, not to mention a monumental step.  This journey, many find, is eased because of their religious beliefs.  

There are numerous drug addiction programs out there representative of just about every faith there is.  And the drug counselors spearheading these types of rehabilitation programs blend therapy, recovery and religion.  These types of treatments generally try and build up the individual’s inner spiritual foundation first.  Believing that with a strong inner core, one connected to God and to their faith, the person will be better equipped to face the tough challenges inherent to the recovery journey.  Additionally, by emphasizing this connection and this intrinsic relationship to God, the sufferer is apt to feel less alone and thus more inspired to push him or herself further down the road to mental, physical and emotional rehabilitation.  Drug counselors dealing in faith-based recovery stress spiritual healing as the forerunner to all other types of healing.  

When participating in a religion-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, people also often find that in working with those who hold similar beliefs, there is a greater feeling of community and therefore an even stronger network of support.  Drug addiction counselors leverage this feeling of spiritual fellowship to further inspire those recovering from drug abuse.  “You are not alone” becomes the overriding message.  God is beside you, your fellows are beside you; you belong to this religious community and you will succeed and regain your life.  

The aftercare programs provided by faith-based drug counselors and rehabilitation facilities can also be quite different from those that are not spiritually aligned.  As you are part of a spiritual community, one which shares a strong religious foundation, many discover that even after their program the support and the network of friends, coaches and mentors is significant.   

While certainly not all drug abuse counselors take a faith-based approach to treatment, those that do have found success in treating people suffering from substance abuse issues.  Having all the help that you can get can certainly be a beneficial way to approach drug addiction, and with a built in system of support and encouragement via a religious community or spiritual group, many find greater strength and a more purposeful journey.